Router Protocol Announces Launch of Router Chain Mainnet on July 30th and Launches StakeDrop Incentive Program
Publication Time:2024-07-23 11:01:06
The cross-chain interoperability protocol, Router Protocol, has announced that its Router Chain mainnet will be launched on July 30th, 2024. This significant development marks a crucial step forward for Router Protocol in building a more efficient and secure cross-chain ecosystem. To encourage community members to participate and support this milestone moment, Router Protocol is launching a StakeDrop staking incentive program this week, which will run for 90 days. Through participation in this activity, users will have the opportunity to earn rewards in the form of Router Protocol's native token, DROP, with rewards calculated using a time-weighted and daily compounding model, aiming to distribute rewards fairly among all participants. Additionally, as part of the celebration, the old ROUTE tokens will migrate at a rate of 1:33.33 to the new ROUTE tokens on the Router Chain, providing holders with additional liquidity and value growth opportunities. The launch and the introduction of the incentive plan not only reflect Router Protocol's commitment to innovation but also bring new participation and investment opportunities to the entire cryptocurrency community.
Router Protocol
Router Chain
Mainnet Launch
StakeDrop Incentive Program
DROP Reward System