Russia Urges France to Avoid Political Interference in Telegram CEO Case
Publication Time:2024-08-30 07:51:09
Golden Finance Report: Recently, Russia called on the French government to remain impartial and avoid taking any actions that could be seen as political interference when handling the case of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov. Durov, who holds both Russian and French citizenship, was criminally charged for allegedly failing to effectively regulate illegal content on his information platform and was eventually detained in Paris. After posting bail, Durov temporarily regained his freedom but must remain within France and regularly report his whereabouts to the police. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, who is closely following this matter, stated that the Russian authorities attach great importance to Durov's situation and clearly expressed their willingness to provide necessary assistance. Considering that Durov is also a Russian citizen, this statement reflects Russia's determination and sincerity in resolving this issue.
Political Intervention
Pavel Durov