Telegram Launches New Feature: Nearby Businesses Replace Nearby People Function
Publication Time:2024-09-06 22:06:10
Leading global instant messaging application Telegram announced a series of significant updates, including the introduction of a new feature named 'Nearby Businesses', to replace its previously contentious 'Nearby People' function. As Telegram's number of paying users reached 10 million, it was crucial for the platform to continue optimizing user experience and security. According to Telegram CEO Pavel Durov, the 'Nearby People' function, plagued by issues such as bots and scams, was only used by a small fraction of users, prompting the decision to replace it. The newly launched 'Nearby Businesses' function aims to provide a platform for genuine, legal, and verified businesses to directly showcase their product catalogs and accept payments, thereby facilitating secure transactions and business growth. Additionally, Telegram emphasized its policy of prohibiting the upload of media content through its independent blogging tool, Telegraph, to prevent abuse, particularly against anonymous operators. While the vast majority (99.999%) of Telegram users are not involved in illegal activities, the platform remains committed to protecting the entire community from the impact of the 0.001% illegal users, ensuring the safety and interests of nearly a billion users are safeguarded.
Nearby Businesses
Nearby People Function
Legal Businesses
Seamless Display