According to Golden Finance, Nick Timiraos, known as the 'Fed Whisperer,' conducted a deep analysis of recent remarks made by Fed insider Waller. Waller did not explicitly state whether the rate cut would be by 25 or 50 basis points, but preferred to start with 25 basis points while reserving the option to accelerate rate cuts based on 'new data.' Waller emphasized that the current economic situation is not sufficient to declare a recession, but future developments will depend on subsequent data performance. Under the scenario of significantly rising inflation in 2022, he insisted on taking action in advance. However, Waller also clearly stated that all decisions would be based on assessments of new data, including possible future data, but not today's data. Against the backdrop of continuous economic growth and favorable employment conditions, Waller anticipates that rate cuts will proceed cautiously. But at the same time, he said that if necessary, he will be prepared to take swift action in an inflation-stable environment to support economic stability.