Golden Finance Report: Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin delved into the forefront of the digital world in an interview called Wrapcast. He mentioned that generative artificial intelligence technology is playing a significant role, helping people write code quickly, draw graphics, and even provide effective support during the learning process. Meanwhile, cryptocurrencies as digital financial tools not only facilitate convenient international payments but also promote the construction of more open social networks, and through integration across multiple markets, offer new channels for obtaining news. However, Buterin emphasized a key point: the unique value of the metaverse lies in its broad potential and underexplored application scenarios. He believes that the metaverse is not just a virtual reality platform; it also harbors tremendous possibilities for innovation that can play a crucial role in advancing the digital world, just like artificial intelligence and cryptocurrency. Therefore, although current applications of the metaverse are still in the exploratory stage, it, along with artificial intelligence and cryptocurrency, constitutes an important cornerstone of future digital societies, worthy of our ongoing attention and anticipation.